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General Questions

  •  Q: Do you take credit cards?  A: Yes, we accept Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express.

  • Q: Do you require a 3 month minimum rental agreement for furniture used for staging a vacant house?  A: No, we use furniture and accessories from our own inventory.  This way we can have control over the quality and cost of the furnishings.  We are always adding new pieces to keep up with the current styles and our furnishings always look like new.


  • Q: What are the costs for your services?  A: We can't give a price over the phone.  We need to come to the house and actually see what needs to be done.  We can then give you the most accurate estimate for the service.  We can usually work within any budget.

  • Q: I have tried my furniture every possible way, can you really make a difference in my home?  A: Yes, clients are always amazed with the difference we make in their home. 

  • Q: Do you move large objects like a piano? A: No, we would hire a professional for large and delicate items like a piano.  And we do not disconnect Stereo/TV set-ups so you can do that before we get there or we will design around it.
  • Q: What if I can afford to pay up front for the Staging services?  A:  We have flexible payment plans so we can work with you on an individual basis to help you sell your house. 

About Us

  • Q: Where are you located?  A: We are located in Shakopee, Minnesota.  We serve the Twin Cities and Southern suburbs.

  • Q: What are your hours?  A: You can call anytime for a consultation or free estimate.  If we do not answer, please leave a message and we will return your call the same day.  We do not answer our phones while we are with clients.
  • Q: Are you insured?  A:  Yes, we are fully Insured and Certified.  But we do not charge our clients an insurance fee for our furniture, we cover that.

**Call now for a free estimate, 952.334.3645. 

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