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About Us

We offer affordable Interior Decorating services.  We have certified and insured professionals that are ready to help you with you decorating needs.  Our experience and design style will bring new life to your home.   Our furnishings and property investing experience will help you sell your house. 

We are located at 1850 Stagecoach Rd. (red warehouse) in Shakopee, MN and serve the entire Metro area.  Only open by appointment or by chance (we are out in the field most of the time).


Our Goals
  • To provide the best customer service possible.
  • To make each client feel like the only client.
  • To  promote an inclusive workplace and help the community.

We are dedicated to serving our customer's needs, and our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. We strive to bring you the best in quality service. If something isn't right, please let us know.